COTFONE compliments the health system strengthening and health service delivery with a focus on grass-root communities. Our focus is on primary health care focusing on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. Also, we directly work with Health centers IVs and VHTs to ensure that health personnel is motivated to do their work effectively.
Results so far:
- Community Facility Referral and Linkage during which persons living with HIV (PLHIV) were linked to and retained in care, treatment, and all the other recommended services
- Community directed response to Comprehensive HIV Prevention
- Sensitized community members on hygiene and sanitation, instituted sanitary committees, and trained them on their roles and responsibilities
- Sensitized schools (2 Sec. & 2 Pri. Schools) on the procedures of proper Hygiene and Sanitation, human development, and reproductive health
Anti-AIDS & Advocacy Club initiative – weekly sensitization on prevention and protection against HIV/AIDS and human rights