COTFONE puts a focus on household income through creating jobs for the household members of the network with a focus on youth families and women-led households.
Results so far
- Promoted and strengthened the self-managed and self-capitalized microfinance methodology among 7 community groups. In 2017 alone, all 7 groups saved and loaned up to 40,000,000 Uganda Shillings.
- Vegetable growing; As a result of Vocational skills training 12 school vegetable gardens and 3 community vegetable gardens were started.
- Youth Communities (YOU COM) with the Re(cycle) of Matter project (Still ongoing)
- Land Rights Training for LG Technical Staff and Community Women (Bunyoro and Greater Masaka regions) in preparation for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project
- Civic Space Initiative (CSI) for OVCs– CSI funded by CIVICUS (ongoing). Since 2017 COTFONE has created a space/a platform for OVCs to voice their concerns and challenges to policymakers through annual SPEAK events majorly organized as Music, Dance, and Drama festivals
- Masaka Kaswa Child Protection Project during which local Councils, Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs), Community care Coalitions (CCC), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), and (Child Protection and Advocacy Committees (CPAs) in child protection and advocacy in Kingo, Kabonera, and Kisekka sub-counties (within Masaka and Lwengo Districts) had their capacity in child protection and advocacy building.